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Lance Fanaroff

The average person has a whopping 100 passwords they use to access their various online accounts, a study by NordPass reveals. Long, intricate passwords are key but are often either written down or re-used across several accounts, neither of which are very secure options.

Biometric data and your SIM card might soon be linked

Biometric data and your SIM card

Linking biometric data to SIM cards

The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) has proposed linking biometric data to SIM cards. If successful, new regulations would require all South Africans to provide their biometric data to mobile service providers to obtain a new cellphone number or action a SIM swap. 

ICASA’s proposal calls for biometric data such as fingerprint mapping, facial recognition, and retina scans to be bound to a consumer’s SIM card.

The ethics of facial recognition biometrics

The average person has a whopping 100 passwords they use to access their various online accounts, a study by NordPass reveals. Long, intricate passwords are key but are often either written down or re-used across several accounts, neither of which are very secure options.